Dan Valinotti.
I am a Full-Stack Software Engineer with a passion for building clean, performant, and accessible websites and applications. Adaptable, design oriented, and user-focused applications are my specialty, along with strong architecture and solutions skills.

Blog Posts.
Emulating Component Behavior with JavaScript Closures
Thursday, June 3, 2021 - 9 min readRead along as I create a poor man's Virtual DOM API.
How to Create Reusable Web Components with Lit and Vue
Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 10 min readHow lit is it, really?
Creating a CLI tool using Node.js
Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 6 min readSpend time learning to save time working.
Ads Creative Studio
A unified home for Google’s creative advertising tools, to help you build compelling experiences for video, display and audio ads. Ads Creative Studio will allow creative teams to build and innovate together while increasing productivity and simplifying the overall process to bring a great ad to life.
Google Ads Display & Video 360
Display & Video 360 is the evolution and consolidation of DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio, and Audience Center. It offers a single tool for planning campaigns, designing and managing creative, organizing and applying audience data, finding and buying inventory, and measuring and optimizing campaigns.
hum by Colgate
Launched a new "sub-brand" of Colgate called hum with a headless DTC E-commerce website. Built with Nuxt.js on the frontend, using Shopify as a backend CMS for handling products, customers, orders and checkouts. We also used Three.js and GSAP to create cool, fluid animations throughout the site.